Friday 25 July 2008

New E-Guides Training Programme dates

NIACE has now announced a new series of E-Guides training dates - which is great news as the last ones were very quickly oversubscribed. The E-Guides programme offers an introduction to e-learning and aims to show learning provider staff how to use technology effectively in teaching and learning. This free training is aimed at all staff, paid and unpaid who are involved with the delivery of learning across different subjects and areas of learning.

The programme covers a wide range of tools and is a great way for staff to get a hands on and a look at how many of these work. This previous post highlights some of the activities that recent attendees undertook after the first two days of the programme, highlighting just how much enthusiasm the programme generated!

Its also worth noting that small grants may be available in support of follow-up activity linked to programme attendance. A certificate and a portfolio recording learning during the programme may also provide evidence towards Continuing Professional Development.

When and where does the training take place?
In the West Midlands region the newly available dates are as follows:

Dates for other regions can also be found on the E-Guides website.

To apply for a place online visit the NIACE website , contact Raksha Kanani by phone on 0116 204 2811, or email:

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