Thursday, 17 January 2008

Electronic Post it Notes

I was asked recently to share details of a post it note type tool that I had used in a training session. I'd used it a way of quickly electronically capturing feedback from attendees that were sat in front of computers at the time (could be used by learners in the same way). Attendees simply noted their thoughts as 'post-it' type notes on a webpage. These were then collated automatically and appeared on the web-based workspace that was visible on the projector at the front. Sound complicated? It wasn’t.

Using this free tool also had the benefit of:
  • Allowing the attendees to note their comments anonymously.

  • It made the feedback instantaneous.

  • And fairly importantly, it meant I didn’t have to type anything up later. Great.

It's also one of those tools you also don’t have to sign up for – you can just use it when the need arises.

So to the detail - it was called Webnote and its free and its available here. I won’t go into any more detail here simply because I've already wrote about this previously - if you’re interested you can read about it on a previous blog post here. If you just want to have a quick glance at how it looks and/or try it for yourself though, I’ve also set up a demo workspace for you to play with here. Basically just choose a new note using the button on top left and away you go...!

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