Wednesday 8 April 2009

Using Interactive Whiteboards: A Video Case Study

This five minute video features staff, managers and learners talking about their experiences of using whiteboards for delivering NVQs. It highlights the many ways that a particular provider is currently use their whiteboards, including using “Who want to be a millionaire” type quizzes at the start of session to recap.

The short film, focuses on a Stockport based provider, Lite Ltd, and was recently produced by the Excellence Gateway as part of their “Excellence Gateway TV”. It’s an inspiring video and great to see how all those featured in it now see the whiteboard as a core part of their training delivery.

Good to see that you can now also download this video, as this could be useful for any other providers wanting to share it locally with their own staff. (Through a Virtual Learning Environment perhaps or a dedicated shared area for whiteboard resources.)

Following on from the three Interactive Whiteboard sessions that we have run at the RSC I’ve also previously set up a wiki page full of links and resources that support using whiteboards. Feel free to use and share those.

There’s still much demand for support of whiteboards so we may offer some additional support in this area in the future - as always, watch this space or our events page for details. Speaking of watching, I’ll also be watching more Excellence Gateway TV for snippets of info which focus on effective ways of using technology in work based learning!


Related wobble links:

E-Learning Case Studies by Sector and Region
Interactive Whiteboard Links and Resources

To read more of Wobble click here.

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